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Each massage treatment is tailored to individual needs.

It is a deep tissue massage to ease the signs of the illness; purposeful techniques to release muscle tensions; streching or strengthening the muscles.

If necessary treatment of tendons; mobilisations of joints which can improve range of motion.

Used for a variety of health related purposes; increase lymph flow, strengthening the immune system, regenerating the body after an illness, swellings, face treatment, rehabilitating the body after surgery (breakage, prosthesis, amputation). It can also play a huge role in prevention of ailments (reduces the symptoms of varicose veins- necessarily with other treatments).

Energy lines, called „sen” in Thai therapy, are activated by using the thumb, palm, elbow and knee, performed on a mattress where we use postures like in Yoga to opening the joints and stretching the muscles. (During the massage treatment the client lies on a mattress fully clothed.)

It is based on applying deep pressure to reflex points in the feet which correspond to glands, organs throughout the body. Relieving many common ailments: e.g. digestion; respiratory system; urinary; hormone problems. 

This massage decreases stress and allows energy to flow unimpeded through meridians by applying pressure to acupressure points on the face/head leaving you in a state of relaxation and harmony.

It is a manual technique used for correcting joints, vertebras. It also has benefits for the muscles, meridians, nervous system and internal organs. 

It is a softer massage using special herbal oil (st. john's wort oil) gently applied to correct misalignments in the spinal column, regenerating the muscles on the spine. The treatment is finished by using an oily wrap on the affected area as the benefits of the oil increases by doing so. I highly recommend this treatment for people with spinal disc problems.

Alternating deep and gentle moves with hot lava stones to increase lymph flow. The heat relaxes the muscles and by applying the aromatic oil to the skin, result of the treatment can be achieved quicker.  

A bell shape tool is used, specifically designed for the purpose of creating a vacuum in the tissues and a rush of blood flow will happen at the affected area. It has health benefits to the internal organs if it is used at the acupressure points. This special technique leaves the connective tissue relaxed as capillaries dilate increasing blood flow at the affected area. 

It is a therapeutic taping technique providing support and stability to muscles and joints,; increasing lymph flow; healing hematoma.