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On a one-to-one basis or a group session (max. 4 people).

An exercise comes from China helps maintain and improve health by hitting the body, pressing acupressure points (antitumorous points), physical activity (e.g. crouching) and abdominal breathing exercises.

Many health problems can be prevented by doing these exercises frequently such as high blood pressure, asthma, stomach-complaints, diabetes, bone- and joint pains. 

This exercise consists of 8 standing postures.

The whole meridian system of the human body can be maintained, energy level increased/ controlled and ailments healed. It is also good to use for meditation, leaving us completely recharged and rejuvenated.

Zen stretching and straining exercises. The main 12 meridian channels can be maintained. It is also used for a warm-up or a cool down.

It is known as „the source of eternal youth” in Tibet. It consists of 5 yoga exercises. If it is carried out efficiently then it can speed up your metabolism and digestion, can improve urinary functions, can be effective on the skeletal and gland system. It harmonises the efficiency of chakras and increases the energy level.